Friday 8 July 2022

Why should we forgive? - Charlotte Ilies

Why should we forgive? In the book The Tempest by William Shakespeare, Prospero, a wizard who had been deeply betrayed by his brother, chose to not take revenge on him. He stated “The rarer action is In virtue than in vengeance”(5.1.27-28). In this line, he is implying that forgiveness is very scarce or “rarer” and the more likely way for him to have handled this situation would have been to take revenge on the man who betrayed him. It also shows that forgiveness, although not the most common choice, was much more needed than revenge in this situation. It shows that forgiveness is a virtue and something that possesses a high moral standard. 

Getting revenge on someone will not resolve the problem, it will just give them another reason to resent you. It creates more conflict. Revenge just goes in a loop until someone gets the final word, and even then it might not be enough.

Prospero forgiving his brother put an end to their fights and in the end brought them closer together. Being able to forgive can be hard but in the end it's truly more effective and impactful than getting revenge.

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