Wednesday 27 July 2022

Competition Friday - Maya Musgrove

Hello, my name is Maya and this is my second Keeners blog. Every Friday at Keeners we have a freestyle competition all day, and sometimes it doesn’t go your way. Sometimes you will get flushed, flip, or even miss the wave altogether. It’s really easy to get upset over your run, so I remind myself if something’s that help.

The two runs that you get don’t determine how good at kayaking you are, they only represent a small part of your abilities. You could have an amazing run and learn a trick, then get on the wave for your comp run and immediately flush. That doesn’t mean that you're bad, it just means that you had a bad run. 

It’s really easy to start comparing your runs to other peoples, which does not help at all. It’s also not fair to yourself, everyone is at a slightly different level and if you compare yourself to others who are at a higher level, the only thing you're going to be thinking is that they’re better. However, if you start comparing your runs to your other runs you might be able to find ways to improve.

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