Tuesday 5 July 2022

Rain - Emery Slothower

Rain often starts with the scurry of activity as keeners dash without hesitation to the gear on the porch. Gear that had spent the previous twelve hours drying, only to be undone in a moment. The soft pater against the thin roof proves effective in keeping the covers on for three, four, five cycles of the alarm clock as we muster the strength to haul our tired bodies out into the vinyl floored kitchen. Rain evokes naive hopes of a resurgence of mini-bus in many keeners, for others just a feeling of what might have been.

Rain in a kayak is a different story. Droplets gather on the brims of helmets, dripping onto the gore-tex outers of our dry tops. The water loses whatever tranquility it once had at the hands of the turbulent entropy of ripples of raindrops. Water pools, then drains in every fold and cavity in our water repellent clothing. Rain leads to misplaced efficiency to get out of the rain but keep the rapid.

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