Tuesday 5 July 2022

About Rain - Colin Glackin

There is lots of rain here in Canada. You always see these photos and videos of it being nice and sunny but that is not the truth there is lots of rain for the past week. It has been raining a lot while we are on the water and when we are off of the water. The weird thing is that even when it rains a lot the water in the river does not rise sometimes. But the rain is nice sometimes when you are going up to a rapid and there is mist on the horizon line and it is dark and gloomy. But the rain can also suck because there is lighting, we have to stop kayaking for a bit, also when you get out of your boat at the end of the day or lunch you get very cold and your boat starts to fill with water. But besides all of the negatives about rain it is still very nice and its good to have once and a while.

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