Wednesday 20 July 2022

First week at Keeners - Maya Musgrove

Hi, my name is Maya, and this is my first time at Keeners. During my first week I improved in ways I didn’t expect. My freestyle skills have improved a little bit, but what really improved was my fear. Don’t get me wrong, the stuff we do here still scares me but not nearly as much as at the beginning of the week. 

The coaches seem to make sure we are constantly out of our comfort zone, especially on beat down Thursday. This Thursday I got surfed in Phil's, seal launched into a whirlpool, got out of my boat on the edge of a rocky slope, and jumped off a 16 foot high rock into the river. Now that it’s the end of the week I already feel much more comfortable in larger water. In this way this camp has already helped me have more confidence in myself on the river.

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