Friday 22 July 2022

Reflection on the last week - Hannah Musgrove

Hi, my name is Hannah Musgrove. I have enjoyed the Keener program so far because I can see my progression as a boater in the short time that I’ve been here. Even though I haven’t learned any new tricks or made any progress that you could track on “paper”, I can see my progress in terms of knowledge of the wave or understanding of current and running rivers. 

The Keener instruction is so valuable because it focuses on a wide range of topics that aren’t just subjective to kayaking by itself. The rescue and safety education is a big part of Keeners and one that shouldn’t be overlooked. While the Swift Water Rescue and Wilderness First id obviously support kayaking, they also transfer into everyday life. 

The social aspect of Keeners is also one that promotes growth and development. The close quarters forces Keeners to pitch in through peer pressure. 

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