Tuesday 5 July 2022

Skeeters, a critical analysis - Finn Blankenship

There are 67 different species of mosquitoes in Ontario, however around 30 percent of the mosquitos you see will the of the Aedes vexans variety, otherwise known as inland floodwater mosquitos. The female mosquitos are the only ones who take blood meals and they prefer cattle, horses and birds. This said, mosquitos will gladly feed on humans if given the opportunity. Male mosquitos feed on nectar and sap and are generally not a nuisance to humans. Mosquitos are eaten by birds, bats, frogs and dragonflies. Mosquitos, informally known as “skeeters” can prove to be a nuisance to keeners as when the females bite they create large welts that can irritate and itch for several days. When there are possibly hundreds of mosquitos swarming each keener these bites can appear all of their body in great numbers. 

There are several ways to prevent skeeters from affecting you as a keener. Firstly during morning workouts is one of the times where skeeters are the worst. To prevent them you can wear long clothing like pants, a hoodie, and a hat. Secondly preventing skeeters in the indoor areas can be integral as warding them off while you sleep is difficult. To prevent this you can check screens before you open windows to make sure there are no openings. You can also shut the door quickly once entering to prevent skeeters from following you in. Using these techniques you can minimize mosquitos impact on your keeners session. You can see an example of a skeeter-proof outfit below. 

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