Friday 2 August 2013

Swissies (Toms) last blog

Hey all,

It's Tim and Tom, the dynamic duo, writing the first ever Keener joint blog.  This week we worked on a lot of new tricks, braving the whitewater gods as we surfed Garb.  Tom worked on his Blunts (a vertical 180 on a wave) and Tim worked on his airscrew (an aerial 360 degree twist on a wave.)  For me this was an amazing time.  I have learned a lot both on and off the water, with english and my boat.  I would thank to everyone for this amazing experience.  I would especially like to thank Anna, the Keener Coaches, my parents, and my uncle Philipe Doux. -Tom

This has been my first week at Keeners and as usual at has been amazing.  I joined in to a session that was already tightly knit, but they were very friendly and welcomed me right in.  It was great to be able to see a lot of my old friends from prior sessions.  At first, my paddling skills were a little rusty, but with the help of my coaches I was able to regain my comfort on the wave and even surpass the point I was at last year.  The progress of my friends in their paddling galvanized me to work harder and try to catch.  Overall, it has been a great week and I am beyond "stoked" to be here. -Tim

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