Friday 9 August 2013

Stoked for What is to Come!

         Hey everybody! This week has been pretty sweet for me. There are many reasons for this but I have just been in an amazing mood. I was incredibly sad to have to say goodbye to someone I had become best friends with over the last 6 weeks but sadly that is what happens sometimes. It all started on Saturday. I woke up feeling so alive and ready to do anything! After a morning on Cornerwave I had succeeded in making a lot of progress in my playboating in just one day. I was able to stick flashbacks, my first clean blunt and got a lot of pistol flip attempts in and was getting very close at the end of the day. The week has continued on to show even more progress. As Garb has been getting greener I have been able to bring my panams much further past vertical and they are becoming fairly consistent. I would love to be able to go home having figured out clean blunts and airscrews although I know it will take a lot of work. At this point I realize that I will have to put in 110% effort to achieve my goals because I will not get anywhere if I try to do the bare minimum. Hopefully things go really well over the next two weeks and I’m super excited for Comp Friday today!

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