Saturday 3 August 2013

Jahn's least favorite post.

Hey guys it is Jah-n again and i am really sad to say that this will be my last post. these last weeks have definitely been some of my favorite memories of my life i cant choose just one to tell you guys about either because there has never been a dull moment. the last two days were spent at srt where i got to learn an incredible amount of useful we went on our river trip which was really fun but the best part was the poutine which is french fries with gravy and cheese curds it is legitimately the best thing i have ever tasted. on Monday we had our farewell speeches which had allot of us tearing up and the rest of us well as being a great kayaking expierience it has been an amazing cultural expierience i have learned a whole new vocabluary (well almost) and i have met some amazing people along the way.
 lastly i have to put in one big shout out to all of the coaches that helped make this the experience of a lifetime "And that has made all of the difference".

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