Friday 2 August 2013

David's last blog post!!

Hey guys!

Today (Thursday) was the last Big water beat down day. We started off the day at McCoy's, and then went down to push button and garb to surf for the remainder of the day. At push button I was trying to surf and catch the wave the whole time. At first I was having trouble staying on the wave, and then I started to have trouble with getting on to the wave. I flipped every time I caught the wave. I ended up swimming after a run. It was very discouraging and I didn't do anything after that for like 10 or 15 minutes. There was a group of kayakers there that re-encouraged and helped me with surfing after that. I did not know the kayakers and they were not with our group. They helped me out with how to catch the wave, and by the end of the day I got a few surfs in. It is an awesome feeling when experienced paddlers that you never saw before help you out and support you, as if they are one of your instructors.

After kayaking we went to dinner as usual, and then we had ropes and knots. For the past ropes and knots I just zoned out and did nothing, but today was different. I decided to listen and I learned what a mechanical advantage is, how to tie a 3 to 1 or 2 to 1, and how to tie a munterhitch with a quick release. Greg, the instructor for ropes and knots, is a very knowledgeable and friendly guy.

Anyways, I have to go now, but the second to last day of keeners was a lot of fun, and I got a lot out of it. Thanks for reading my last post! Check back next year ;)

--David Koyrakh.

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