Friday 9 August 2013

Co-ordinator Report Session 3!

It is hard to believe that we are already into Session three, our last session of Keeners for the summer.

Last session ended with a huge increase in confidence and skill level for the majority of the group. A few highlights for me were seeing the group come together as a team to lead some of our lesser experienced Keeners through McCoys.  Here, Charlie, who came into the start of session one without a reliable roll, runs the Phils tounge.

Charlie Dupuis runs the Phils Tongue

Another highlight of Session 2 was the Keener trip. Lower water levels on the Ottawa meant great play, but not as much variety as we had in Session one. To change things up, we took the Keeners on the road to the Gatineau. A mere two hour drive away into Quebec, there is a land of poutine of whitewater. 

The Gatineau is similar to the Ottawa in that it is large volume, pool drop, with large pools below big rapids. Despite Low levels on the Gat, everyone had a ton of fun seeing new lines and new features. Keeners surfed at Lucifers, and take-out waves, and worked on their boat scouting skills.  The highlight of the trip though was the Poutine- a special Quebec concoction of french fries, gravy and cheese curds. Delicious. 
Enjoying Poutine... easily the highlight of a trip to Quebec
Surfing on the Gatineau

While we were sad to say goodbye to session two just as things were getting good, I am stoked to welcome Session Three. 

We have a lot of returning Keeners this session, and 8 girls out of 18 total Keeners. The skill level is high, even if the water is low, and if the first week is any indication, the next two weeks should be even more awesome. 
Session 3 keeners scouting McCoys

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