Wednesday 17 August 2022

The importance of role models - Jackie Kimmel

In these past 2 weeks, I have learned the importance of role models. Personally, I believe without role models, you have a lack of inspiration and goals of character. Role models are people who you look up to, causing growth. For example, yesterday I left my dry bag in the whirl pool eddy, and Stephen helped me by coming with me to attaining from Norman’s all the way up. He didn’t shame me, he didn’t lecture me, instead he told me a story similar to the situation, and told me it was ok that I forgot, and that it happens. Through this, I look up to Stephen because of this event. It taught me the importance of compassion, and how you make an impact on others. He also wasn’t negative when he came with me, and stayed positive the entire time. Therefore, through my forgetfulness, and the lesson taught, I learned the importance of character and the impact role models make on their students.

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