Wednesday 17 August 2022

Communism or Democracy? - Xavier Noreau

My name is Xavier and the topic of my blog I have chosen to write about communism versus democracy. In Keeners, I learned a lot about paddling but also I learned a lot off the water with my cabin mates in the White House. There’s a lot of stuff to organize such as dividing up the cleaning work or sharing with other cabin mates. Especially after a recent store run, we had to determine how and whether or not we would share what we have.

Which led to the age old debate, Communism or Democracy?

There is much to gain from Communism, sharing all our candy and food, but it could lead to other cabins taking a lot from us or one cabin mate eating much more then others. This benefits the weak seeing as they can eat more then what they’ve bought. But it could seriously hinder the wealthy from eating their share of food that they purchased. I find it interesting that communism is seen as a bad thing in the real political world but it seems like the more morally right option because sharing is caring. The benefits of democracy are you eat exactly what you have chosen to buy but you can’t get much diversity in candy or food. This means the poor don’t get much candy but whoever spent the most money gets the most candy. Which kinda makes sense but we are a team and sharing is kind. 

Which is why we decided on a partial communism, we share most of our candy but we can keep some of our favourite candies to ourselves. This system benefits everyone and is morally right.

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