Friday 12 August 2022

The first week at Keeners - Noah Koppens

The first week of Keeners is an awesome experience. However I would have to say my favorite day so far has been big water beatdown Thursday. 

Thursdays are not only really fun you are desensitized from big water. This helps you to not be so scared when accidentally going into a big hole, not only that it will cause what you previously thought to be really big to not feel so big, and will make it feel easier to do tricks. It’s also just really fun to go into big waves just to get beat down. 

We also got to play to games later on in the day. we got to play get out of your boat in difficult situations, and we got to swim in a poor over. Theses are both important skills to learn, because if you do ever have to get out of your boat in a difficult spot it’s good to have practice doing it. It’s also important to know how to go deep in a poor over. If you don’t know how and get stuck in retentive hole you will know how to go deep to get out of it.

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