Friday 26 August 2022

Reflection by Jackie Kimmel

Over the past 3 weeks, I have had the opportunity to grow confidence and skills in the kayak, but also grow as a person. The people and coaches have allowed me to do so. 

I believe it is important to recognize that critique does not mean hatred, but it is the encouragement of growth. However, to an extent, it is overwhelming. Always trying to be a better person, to be a better boater, makes you critique yourself, and what you could have done. In my experience, I am always trying to grow, which also causes me to think “what should I have done?”. Leading to tunnel thoughts of hyper critical thinking, causing a regression of growth. Growth is not linear, meaning it rises and decreases, while going through slumps as well. In order for an increase of growth, you need to have confidence in your ability to grow, in addition to wanting to grow. By having good mental health, that will boost your positivity and confidence in yourself- allowing you to grow character and paddling skills.

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