Friday 12 August 2022

Reflection - Sam Mullen

I’m having a fun time at Keener’s. Between letting Jerry the Raccoon and throwing kick flips at Norman’s, there’s plenty of activities to fill everyday. We are currently learning First Aid so we can be safer on the river. I’m really excited to get certified so I can surf Garb on the weekends. I’ve also been really enjoying evening swims and whirlpool downtime. 

Even though it can be scary it is really fun to be out of your comfort zone. I hope to get a deeper dive soon. I’d also really love to try squirt boating with Stephen and Clay if we have time at some point. Lastly I’ve really been enjoying McCoy's rapid. I really like surfing right side and missing macho flips. One of my goals for the end of the session is macho move to beat down so I hope I can get that down soon.

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