Friday 5 August 2022

Seeking Discomfort - Seth Cox

What does it mean to be uncomfortable? Unfamiliar places, feelings, and people can make us uncomfortable. It is easy to live without risk and to enjoy living simply. For me, however, I find discomfort and fun often come hand in hand.

As kayakers, we are constantly pushing our bodies and minds at the same time. Holding your breath for extended periods, often longer than expected, giant crashing waves, and even whirlpools all test what we are capable of. Of course, you can not instantly expect to be right at home in a Class V rapid, it takes time to become ready for that challenge. 

Feeling, and overcoming fear happen in a similar way. 

Over the last couple of years, my friends and I have actively sought discomfort. Whether that means ordering food in weird accents or trying new kayak tricks there is always something that can push our limits. The more and more comfortable you feel in life, the more and more joyful moments start to present themselves. Living uncomfortably will lead to living happily.

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