Monday 8 August 2022

By Fisher Jacober

This session has been epic. We started off the week with a normal surfing Monday. The water had risen so Garburator wasn’t in any more but we still had Corner wave and the Horseshoes. 

Tuesday was also a surf day, I spent a lot of time at right Horseshoe and left Horseshoe. 

Wednesday is race day, we did a race down McCoy's rapid. The race was you had to start in an eddy on the left bank and then touch the opposite bank, in time to get back and touch the bank in another eddy on the left. We then did a boater cross through the Lorne, and hand paddle through Norman’s, finally a beach ball race through Colosseum. 

Of course Thursday, since it’s the last Thursday of the session your goal for the day is to last as long as possible in Phil’s before swimming. I went into left side for my first two rides, they were pretty good but nothing crazy, I was trying to get a good steady surf but forgot how crazy aggressive left side still is. Joshua’s dad bought him two inflatable dinosaurs, so we inflated them, Quin and I went into right side on one together but as soon as we hit the foam pile the Dino folded and we fell off. For my third surf I went into right side without a paddle, but I ended up to far right, and only got a ten second surf. But it was still fun. I enjoy hand paddling fluffy holes like that because you don’t have to worry about hurting your shoulders. 

Overall I have really enjoyed this session and have learned a lot. Thank you to all my coaches and all the staff.

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