Friday 27 June 2014

Whirlpools of Death

"Whirlpools of Death"

Imagine never having seen waves taller than three feet or holes more than six feet wide. This perspective makes the Ottawa river pretty scary your first time. I've seen whirlpools before and even played in some, but none have compared to what I saw today. At the top of Butcher's Knife are the whirlpools of death. The rule was "no swimming, wait it out", and "only one Keener per whirlpool at a time." With the water level reaching 9 1/4 ft, these whirlpools easily sucked down entire kayaks. Watching the instructors get pulled under, I knew my next move: get away as fast as possible.
Coach Juanito drops into a whirlpool of death

Devyn Watches While Juanito Disappears

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