Tuesday 24 June 2014

My Journey to Keeners by Gabriel Gallo

Hello i'm Gabriel Gallo,  I
Back on the Middle with Coach Devyn
am from Costa Rica. My journey to Keeners started last year when I finished my first session because when it ended I really wanted to come back. So I came home and told my parents how awesome keeners is and asked them if they could send me again next year. They told me I could go if I passed my first trimester at school which I almost failed because of math. So to make a long story short,  the day before going to Keeners I had my cousin's graduation party, which was awesome. After that, I went to sleep for maybe 3 hours before having to leave for the airport. I was late to the airport and I forgot all my chargers for my electronics so i had to buy chargers at the airport! Then I got on the plane to NY, then arrived in NY where I had to put my bag back on the plane for the next flight to Canada. I almost missed the plane to Canada because my bag took a long time showing up, but I made it. I  finally arrived in Canada,  but my bag got lost in NY,  so i was super upset. They told me Iitwas coming the next day at 10:00 in the morning, just in time for my first day on the water. So thats my story about getting to Keeners. It was an epic, but I am happy to be back.

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