Wednesday 25 June 2014

What Really Happened to Jack at Initition

Paddling on the Ottawa River
Once upon a time in a town called Keenerville lived a man called Jack. He had travelled from a far distant land called "Ireland" where white water is a distant memory. He traveled trough many lands and time zones to get to brave the wild river Ottawa. The first two days went well, but yet on the third day the so called "Race Wednesday" it did not go so well. The day was going well he had finished his runs flawlessly but then on his very last run it all went wrong . He started with power and force he bust through the first stopper and powered through but then a wave through him straight into Odyssey bam my skirt implodes knees pop out, he sees the light noooo..... the safety came to his rescue and they all lived happily ever after.

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