Friday 27 June 2014

From Birmingham to Big Water Beatdowns: Shallow Creeks to the Mighty Ottawa River

Ana really does not like it when we write an "Our Day/ Week On the River" post, but there is really no other way for me to explain the last five days. I did not know what to expect when coming to the Ottawa river because apparently there were not many rocks in the river. Where I come from (the Southeast of the USA) I cannot think of a river without a billion rocks. I knew there was big water and I knew there were going to be beat downs... but not quite like this. There have been five days and more than five beatdowns. For the sake of your mind I will limit myself to the two most terrifying/ awesome/ slash exhilarating/ all around exhausting carnage I have experienced. Ironically they both happened on the same feature in the same rapid at slightly different water levels. As it turns out Big Kahuna, a wave on Coliseum, and I have a real connection.

 My second day, and first day on the main at nine and three- fourths feet was to be concluded with Coliseum, a big water class four with Big Kahuna spearheading a large wave train. It was my second day on the water, I had never seen this size water in my life. The wave was huge, there was some chance that a swim would result in a bumpy ride in a nasty section of water, I had no  idea what I was going to do once I got on the wave, and I had never seen the rest of the rapid from the water. So did I try to surf it? I think the answer is obvious, ABSOLUTELY! The result was just what you might think. I surfed for about five seconds then got blown off....and right into second wave, which as it turned out was crashing at that moment. The first drop blew my knees out of the gunnels, the second blew my skirt, and the third blew me. Sooo my fist view of Coliseum from the water was very personal. My fellow Keeners and coaches were very helpful in getting me and my boat back in the eddy where I attempted to explain to Joel in unintelligibly English how awesomely terrifying that was.

 The second beat down took place two days later. Before running the rapid, I found a feather of some sort in the eddy above Coliseum. I stuck in my helmet for good luck. :)  By this time I was obviously a pro. I had run the rapid once and had swam, and now I had my "lucky" feather. What did I do? HA, precisely the same thing except with a different consequence, kind of. I dropped into the eddy perfectly (of course). Once it was my turn I paddled up and had made it about half way to the wave riding the curler. Suddenly, there was a loud crunch and to my shock I had two paddles... only they were canoe paddles. I was not entirely sure what to do with a broken paddle, but I was not given much time to learn. I was over in an instant. Despite my best attempts I managed to catch the second wave. I hand surfed the wave for a moment before being forced to hand roll (#professional). I looked downstream and then it dawned on me that I was not going to be able to hand paddle to the eddy and avoid dropping over The Ledge. The Ledge is a place that I really did not want to go to say the least. It is one of the few spots that is shallow and generally unpleasant. Thankfully half of my paddle was floating just downstream which I grabbed. This reunion raised an enthusiastic YES! from a relived Juanito apparently was also contemplating my fate. I paddled my kayak now C1 into the eddy and again attempted to explain to Joel how incredibly insane that was. Just because I had not had enough excitement for one day, Jeremy, my roommate and I decided to run the boof line at Dog Leg rapid. The thing about the boof line is that the slot that you must hit really can only fit one boat comfortably. If you miss your line you are in trouble. Neither that right and the left are very nice. I lead and Jeremy was following me. Unfortunately, I got caught in a boil and Jeremy caught up within the last moments before the crux maneuver. I began to be pulled over the right side and down into a sticky mess. Jeremy in an attempt to avoid me, was barley able to skirt the disastrous left ledge hole. After some frantic paddling and some nervous yelling, we both boofed the ledge at the same time. The best part is that the feather survived all.

All in all my first week had been absolutely amazing. I love it hear and have learned a priceless amount. I cannot wait for next week! If you look closely at the first picture you can see me brandishing one side of my paddle. In the second picture you can see my helmet just off the right side of Jeremy's boat!

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