Thursday 26 June 2014

Jeremy Norbury's First Blog

Hello ladies and gentlemen, my name is Jeremy Norbury, I am 16 years old and I am from New Zealand. This is my first time at Keeners and I am loving it so far. Today we had big water beat down thursday which was........ interesting i would say. We started off at Phil's hole with a mixture of running left side and right side Phil's with some crazy beat downs as well as swimming it which was fun. We then moved down to the Lorne rapid where a few of us run the tongue line between mini bus and big bus. This resulted in lots of carnage with one swimmer which was quite funny. We had lunch then surfed the Waikiki wave and went down to the whirlpools at Butchers Knife. These are really big and can completely submerge you which I found out as I went so deep I could see the bottom of the river! Next up was Coliseum which was also interesting because on the river left there is a big eddy that forms massive boils and whirlpools where I flipped over and went into them upside down, then got run over by a kayak and finally got out. A guy called Matt got insane air on Big Kahuna whilst Jim snapped his paddle. A bit further down from Coliseum the boof line was once again interesting as me and Jim were way to close together and pretty much landed on top of each other. So far I am really enjoying the experience at Keeners as I am learning lots of new things, meeting new people and overall having a great time.
Warming Up

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