Friday 27 June 2014

Beat downs and big water by Jeremy Wood

Watching Mauricio run the race line on Initiation. 
My name is Jeremy Wood, and the biggest rapids I have run back at home were at most, class 3. Here on the Ottawa river however, we have run high volume class 4 rapids with 15-20 foot tall waves and sticky holes, which are perfect for beat downs. For me, this meant I had to push myself beyond what i was used to, which ended pretty well, most of the time. I had my biggest beat down in a hole called Odyssey, in a rapid called Initiation. It was on race day, and it was finally my turn for a timed run down the rapid. I had done two practice runs before hand, and I thought that it would go pretty well. I started paddling down, and headed left towards the eddy, but i messed up my line, and wound up in Odyssey. Almost immediately I was flipped over, and proceeded to roll up as i usually would. As soon as i came up, I flipped right back over. I felt myself being violently pulled by the water, but i managed to roll up again. When i flipped over and was violently pulled by the water again, I knew that i had gotten stuck in Odyssey. It was pretty nerve-racking but I calmed myself down, and kept rolling back up each time that i was flipped, until I finally made it out. The beat down probably only lasted about 15 seconds, and i had sufficient air the whole time, but since it was my first beat down, I was pretty shocked and exhausted by the end of it. While I was terrified while it was happening, it was probably good that I got beat down, because it helped me get over my fear of running bigger water than I was used to. 


  1. Nice post! You're scaring the stuffing out of me, but Daddy is very impressed. Keep on kayaking on!

  2. Fantastic post Jeremy, and getting through the rapids after such an experience must be very satisfying. Knowing the risks and getting past them is what it is about. Congratulations!
    Uncle Phil
