Monday 24 August 2020

Learning to Have Fun Failing - Hannah West

I am a competitive person and don't like failing. In any other sport I have played it has been a team game and has been sorted into level and age but on the Ottawa River there are people of all levels all the time. This keener session I have tried to make an effort to focus on fun. For me it is easy to compare myself to other keeners or people on the river and get frustrated with my progress. I know that I have improved a lot in the two weeks but it is hard for me to see sometimes. Remembering why I kayak has helped me keep everything in perspective. If you are comparing yourself to others or frustrated because you can't achieve your goals, remembering the reason you love the sport and why you do it can be a great strategy. Even if I could never be as good as one of my peers or never achieve the freestyle trick it would not change the fact that I love kayaking, being on the river, and hanging out with good people. I also try to remind myself that me getting frustrated when something is coming hard to me is not only going to prevent me from improving but also stops me from having fun on the river. It remedies me that nothing comes from that frustration. The ability to remind myself to have fun and let loose has really helped me have all of the fun that I am having this year at keeners. 

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