Wednesday 7 August 2024

The Instructors At Keeners: By Samuel Gravel

At keeners, they have a ton of really amazing instructors. The instructors teach you a lot of new tricks and are very 1 on 1 when they teach. They are very good at teaching you tricks, during the first 2 weeks I already got way better. These instructors are crazy good at kayaking and can do crazy tricks with ease that I didn’t know were possible. They are also very positive and make you feel like you belong there, even if you do the most basic trick on a wave they still scream “YEAAAAAAAAAA”. The head coach stephen really makes keeners exciting, sometimes after lunch he just make us do random stuff that the average paddler wouldn’t even think of doing. So in conclusion, the keener instructors are amazing paddlers and coaches. Those were the reasons why the keener instructors are amazing.

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