Wednesday 7 August 2024

The Average Day at Keeners: By Samuel Gravel


  1. The keener mom will wake you up and you will get to do a morning activity which is usually related to running.
  2. You will make a delicious breakfast and clean your cabin, if it is not clean you will have to stay until it’s clean, every minute you’re late is 10 pushups.
  3. You will have a keener meeting which usually contains what you will be doing during the day and some extra daily information.
  4. You will get ready to hop onto the water and do some warm up exercises on water.
  5. You get to go play and run the river and have loads of fun trying new stuff.
  6. Eat a delicious warm lunch and continue to play.
  7. You will hop off and get ready and head to dinner, you can do loads of stuff once you’re there.
  8. Once you’re back you’ll do a few more activities and head to bed.

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