Sunday 30 June 2024

Don't Be Nervous: By William Zegart

 Coming into Keeners you might be nervous, scared, or terrified. I myself was all of these as well. I was also excited for the experience and fun I would have, but was still nervous to be with people who I know would all be better at kayaking and going down huge waves. I was scared of being embarrassed in front of fellow peers and even myself. However, there is no need for that! The whole program is so welcoming and friendly. All your fellow peers lift you up and elevate you to become better. There is no reason to be scared; you’re going to have a blast! Of course nerves are still allowed but don’t be nervous about your level. All levels are welcome. After all, I didn’t even have a roll which is extremely important. However, instead the coaches Heidi, Steven, and Savannah allowed me to go with an adult beginners class until I could roll and was ready to join the group. This relieved me and motivated me to get my roll as quickly as possible so I could rejoin the amazing coaches and my fellow keeners. In the end, you’re allowed to be scared or nervous as it is a new environment and situation for all. However, just know everyone is in the same boat as you, or kayak I should say, and you will be welcomed no matter your skill level. Just enjoy the time you have and do as much as you can as are willing to do.

P.S. Do come with a fairly consistent white water roll as this will allow you to have much more fun with your fellow keeners and coaches. Also, here is a joke:
Why did the kayaker refuse to quit?
Because they didn't want to throw in the paddle!

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