Sunday 25 June 2023

How to surf right side of Phil’s: Bye Theo Bronson

During my time at keeners I didn’t surf the right side of Phil’s but I will be teaching you how to do it! First make sure you peel out of the Eddie above Phil’s and there are 3 waves before the big hole. The second wave has a peak where you want to be a bit to the river right of this will set you up to hit the meat of Phil’s! Usually I would suggest entering phils facing upstream because it is easier to control, but you are going into the right side so it doesn’t really matter how you go in because YOU WILL GET WORKED!!!! Then once you are in phils there are a couple things you need. Number 1. Someone videoing you from shore for the epic footage, Number 2. Air in your lungs (take a huge breath) Number 3. A huge smile and the mindset of a true beater! If you have all these things you should have the best beat down ever! Have fun!

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