Sunday 13 August 2017

If I Do It, You Probably Shouldn't - EJ Rimerman

I'm really good at getting beat down in whitewater rapids. Like, REALLY good. It takes skill. Or being a magnet; I'm not sure which. Running the Center Slot rapid earlier today, I managed to flip and hit EVERY. SINGLE. ROCK. Here's what my shoulder looked like after I had my fist fight with the granite:

This isn't to say that I always make poor decisions; ofttimes I choose a more conservative line in an effort to maintain my body and paddling ability. I simply recognize that a few bumps, scrapes, and bruises are part of the game. To be sure, I love the idea of running big-water features that scare others, but my fear motivator is essentially nonexistent. I wouldn't fault you for saying I have too much confidence in my ability to walk away from an epic beating.

In all honesty, this is exactly what attracted me to the Keeners program at the Ottawa Kayak School. Even just this first week, I have gained tremendous experience. I have perfected my roll; learned to hand roll and back-deck roll (and the "dry head" variation thereof); fine-tuned my edge control and surfing skills; and run rapids, holes, and waves that would send my rivers at home away screaming. All of this has been in an incredibly safe and fun environment, under the expert instruction of professional teachers and coaches, two of whom each have won more gold medals in competition than any other kayaker ever.

I can now hold my own running and surfing the McCoy's rapid and Garburator wave and have shot awesome video on each, both on Big Water Beat Down Thursday and regular play days. Over these next two weeks, I plan to keep learning and improving, to get the best from the creeks I paddle at home. That being said, if you don't want to get trashed, DO NOT FOLLOW MY LINE.

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